Our Homes
Rainbow Recovery offers spacious, comfortable homes for women as well as homes for women with children.
Rainbow Recovery offers spacious, comfortable homes for women as well as homes for women with children. All of our
homes are fully furnished and equipped. A washer and dryer are provided at each home. Rent includes all house expenses
and food staples.
Each home is supervised by a live-in manager and emphasizes self-responsibility and requires participation in meal
planning and preparation, domestic housekeeping, house meetings, and random UA testing.

The goals at our homes are:
- Establish a solid foundation in recovery and begin changing the behaviors that interfere with recovery.
- Develop and maintain a unified community of women committed to living drug and alcohol free.
- Attain a sense of community and achieve common house goals through open communication and cooperative
- Encourage and promote opportunities for self-sufficiency, responsibility and continued growth and improvement.
- Ensure the highest level of safety, security, care and welfare of each and every resident house member.
Our resident members have access to numerous community 12-step meetings, including AA, Al-Anon, NA, Nar-Anon and Spanish
speaking meetings. Support groups and other counseling and resource services are also available at the Rainbow Recovery
main office.
We’re located in Monterey and Santa Clara Counties in the South Bay area of San Francisco. Our homes are situated in
the residential neighborhoods of Almaden, Blossom Valley, Cambrian, Willow Glen, South San Jose, Milpitas and Monterey,
"The first and possibly the most important spiritual law is that everything is as it should be."
-Debbie Ford
"Turn your wounds into wisdom."