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Club Rainbow

We've just released our first issue of the Rainbow Recovery Newsletter. Creating a newsletter to communicate with our Rainbow family has been a dream for some time. True to our motto; if you can dream it, you can do it!

Our Newsletter will serve as the cornerstone and the official kick-off of Club Rainbow, our social support network for women, children and families that come through one of the Rainbow Recovery Programs.

That’s right! Upon intake our women have signed up for a lifetime membership in Rainbow Recovery and membership has its privileges! Remember the saying. “We’ll love you until you love yourself.” That’s what we’re all about. No matter what, we will be here to celebrate your successes or to help pick you up if you’ve fallen down.

We’ll be sponsoring various activities, support groups and recreational events in addition to our ongoing resource services. The newsletter will highlight Rainbow events and activities and showcase stories and articles by clients, staff and learned experts in the field of health, healing and recovery. Make sure to check our calendar of events for weekly, monthly and annual events.

I would like to invite you to our Club Rainbow Open House Mother’s Day Tea Party. This event is for every one and will give you a chance to see our office in Willow Glen.

There’s so many great things happening at Rainbow Recovery. In the words of an esteemed women leader, “It takes a village.” We agree and would like to add that it also takes being a lifetime member of Rainbow Recovery!

- Nancy Wilson, M.Ed.
  Executive Director

"To be a revolutionary you have to be a human being. You have to care about people who have no power."

-Jane Fonda

"A lot of people are afraid to say what they want. That's why they don't get what they want."


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Rainbow Recovery Foundation, Inc., 2147 Lincoln Avenue,San Jose, CA. 95125
Phone (408) 979-9217 Fax (408) 267-5922

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